part 2
Nonsensical as it is, i must admit it was a really intense relationship i had, pity though, i seldom have contact with the girl in question these days. from what i can see, we both changed alot post breakup from what i can see from her blog entries, me.. well, changed quite a bit too, most imptly from a anti-clubbing geek to a newbie party animal that i am now. haha.
well going back to club, being logi actually was easier then ppl thought it was, your daily chores includes:
Shouting at ppl
Vacuum floor
Scream at more ppl
you get the idea lah.
the bombshell kinda came in a form of FO, i was "chosen" to be the EC for the FO camp cus the chap who was supposed to lead it flopped big time. or maybe cus he's scratching too much, i dunno lah. either. so then me and the rest of the remaining main comm figured out this Logi/Proj/Welfare camp comm thingy, seriously when the idea popped out, i was full of doubts cus i saw way too much loopholes in that idea. and the biggest disadvantage is the sheer amount of time needed to plan the camp. i.e. more ppl harder to plan stuff.
but well, not only did the camp pulled of really good imo, minus some personal mishaps and breakdowns, the 3 camp comm template was taken up and further improved by the current main comm. and i would really love to say that its more a overhaul of the whole system, i can see so much more involvment within the comm members. kudos to u guys man.
im proud to say that this current main comm can easily own ours 3 times round. hey im sure u guys got some minor conflicts amongst one another and shit like that, but u guys held on together, and thats a major feat to pull ok? on average, ur senior main comms loses 2 ppl every year, and i mean they go MIA and never seen again. but, u guys held on. so dudes/ dudettes, be proud. you as the last ICT comm are probably one of the best we've seen. *touching sobs*
the thing "clubbing" made me was definitely being more cool headed when handling issues big or small, i seldom overreact nowadays nor would i really lose my cool as often as before. i'd miss the club, and i would really love to be the next daniel. (Read: NOT SIDIK) if my juniors accept me or if i have spare time on my hands in the future.
future, speaking of which, here're my short term plans in a nutshell:
1) Engineering or Aerodynamics studies. hopefully a deg
2) Get into some higher paying rank in NS, hopefully go thru sispec so i can pay for my own car.
3) as above, my own car. eyeing a S13 right now. 23k.
4) learn how to cook more oriental fares.
5) move on u bloody coward
6) less cursing and swearing
7) convert my buds to clubbing mad ppl
8) and lastly, get into a fufilling r/s.
19 years of my life, part 1(because im lazy. haha)
got the idea from someone's blog. shalln't say who. someone impt. so here goes. i was born thru caesarian(sp) at Mt. Avernia hospital, to my mum and dad, who were rather old at that time, in case you guys didn't know, i have 4 other siblings and they are all above 35 now, thats cus they were my step mum's kid, my dad married my mum after my stepmum passed away. so im sorta like the only child. Funny thing mum told me, while she was in labour, my dad was away playing badminton. hahaha! goes to show that he's actually a veteran when it comes to childbirth eh.. And something else perhaps you guys would like to know, the ultrasound said i was a girl all along my mum's pregnancy. so essentially all my early infant clothes were all pink and lacy. hahaha.
Funny date it was though, the day i was born. december 24th 1986, my 3rd elder brother's on 25th december 1970. kudos for the timing mum.
Fast fwrd a few years, got into a really bad accident at my cousin's place when i was... 5 i think.. was playing hide and seek with my cousins so i hid behind the door, or something like that lah i cant recall. then my brother came home i think, and he sorta slammed the door open, the bolt on the door went straight into my face. it was a 12 stitch gash on my forehead, that harry potterish scar u guys see now.
the rest of the memories, well.. were pretty much about travelling.. to thailand... indonesia.. and etc, perks of being in a family that loves travelling i guess. haha. my fondest and earliest memory's probably from bali, which we went to for $0, yes. free, cus one of my brother won a free vacation and he couldnt go. That place was simply breathtaking, in the eyes of a 6 yr old of course, everything seemed so new and interesting, i remembered visiting some volcanoe.. just.. breathtaking. even 13 yrs later.
Fast fwrd again to my primary school life, it was definitely one of the more interesting chapter of my life, got enrolled into chongfu primary, some good school in the north. and like most 1986ers, im a kindergarten dropout, cus most of us i presume went to PY, the shitty pre primary scheme which they scrapped after my batch. nothing interesting la until primary 3, when i met my lifelong friend terence and marcus. things sorta went bad after knowing them, maths correction unfilled.. chinese spelling... bla bla. got all sorts of punishment, but i was glad there was a reason for me to look back at that period of time and laugh it off with my friends of 11years the same old maths correction buddy.. terence and marcus. before i knew it, we've graduated for the 1st time in our lives. we sorta went seperate ways, them. to woodland secondary, and me. to ahmad ibrahim.
Secondary school life was... disasterous if i might put it. simply way too much trying to prove myself to the masses, too much external influences and simply, too much slacking off. flunked my secondary school like mad and not until the last few months in sec 4 did i bucked up and managed to scrape a r4 13 and r5 20.
came sec 2 and sorta the milestone of my life, had a really nice vacation at jianhong, another primary classmate,'s uncle's company mansion. sentosa. perfect view it had, overlooking siloso beach, spacious as it can be, and as many tvs as harvey norman. things was sort of down for the 1st day cus... aiya all hormonal charged teenage boys trapped in a place where the adults was playing mahjong 24/7 . then came day 2, when i met cindy and jessica for the 1st time of my life, i still remember me mistaking cindy for my primary school belle. i was sleeping facing the door, she opened the room door abit and looked in. my pals all went silent. she closed the door. alvin ran to the toilet and tidied up his hair. frens laughed.. and this was the most... and i say again. most.. memorable event thus far in this short 19 years. things were sorta cold the 1st few hours until the ice broke and we made ourselves some new friends. jessica was the one constantly chatting on the phone and seldom joining us in our games. cindy was the tomboyish but really cute looking girl who really mixed with us . and.. we had great fun. really.. and there are so much details i would love to write but im... lazy to. haha, so look for me if u want a complete walkthrough.
sadly though, a visit to the house a year back confirmed that its already been demolished. but like i said then. to her, its the memories inside the heart that matters.
after that, things sorta went back to normal. school as usual. and at that period of time was my 1st REAL girlfriend, stephanie, she was... well.. haha admitedly. not my type lah. she's the sort that's really studious while im the typical slacker, she seldom talks while my mouth's like a machinegun blabbering off at any chance i see. we were together for.. 2years if i remember correctly before dear old alvin suffered his very 1st heartbreak. but alas, he was glad he never did lose heart because then came another intersting chapter of his life.
polytechnic, choose my course blindly, simply because i didn't expect myself to score that well, supposed to go into cindy's current course. DMMC, but after corresponding with terence, i decided to go for SP's DMMT. so here i am. never would i expect a simple camp would utterly change my destiny for the next 3 years and possibly, the rest of my life. it was the ICT's FO camp, 3days no nights, no thanks to SARS, made a bunch of new friends, and... the blabbermouth alvin found home, what was categorised as attention-seeking nonsense sort of became "enthusiasm" is the camp. i told my frens how poly life was the turning point of my life, but the truth is, probably it was the club and her that made most of the change.
so i was categorised under the enthu spider group and ultimately nominated as Logistics secretary in the main comm during my second year during that period of time, i was caught in a relationship, shallnt elaborate on it, it was a really deep one, so deep, im still down there even though that nonsense ended almost a year ago.
ok la end of part 1. knn hand pain liao.
A merry xmas and a happy birthday to alvin. =D
The official gift counter
ipork nano sock - Waicheng
Cake - Waicheng, Darrell, Yuling and Samantha
One of a kind alvinbirthdayhorror.jpg wallpaper - Yuling, Samantha and Chee wee
Xanavi Nismo Nissan GT-R Autobacs
model car - SiyuCandies, Not candy the gal. - Yiling
Cycling song dedication - Xue jia and Shuping (not michelle)
Brownies and a really sweet card - Jerelyn
ipork nano silicone casing - Ken, Stedt, Jianhong, marc and Terence
Wasabi green tea ice cream - Ken, Stedt, Jianhong, marc and Terence
Spray confetties in mouth - Ken, Stedt, Jianhong, marc and Terence
Thanks for all the gift pals, i've never collected so much presents on my birthdays before. thank yooouu soooo very much.!! love you guys deep deep. im afriad i cant post up the pics as promised cus i hvt been able to get a digicam. nontheless. got video let u all see.
see how those good frens of mine did to me. ha!
Pre birthday!
haha thanks buddies for the suprise.. awfully sweet of you guys. Samantha, Yuling, Chee wee, Darrell and my dearest waicheng. don't have the pic right now, will update later. Went back to the office, yet another suprise... found this on as my workstation wallpaper .the subject's face has been mosiac-ed to protect his/her identity.

credits to my colleagues, Yuling, Samantha and Chee wee. best of all, the photo was aptly named "AlvinBdayHorror.jpg"
Waicheng got me a green ipod sock! hahahaha!! i am SOOOO IN LOVEEEE WITH WAICHENG!! MUACKKKKKKKKKKKKZ!
handwriting test or some shit like that

The results of your analysis say:
You like to be surrounded by four solid walls.
Whats wrong with being homely? =\
You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.
Heah rite
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
Fine, im one emotional man-bitch. shoot me. that future-oriented thingy's sorta true too
You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action.
What shitty english are these? Im definitely not reserved, im impatient, could be self-confident and yes! utterly. miserably fond of action
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
Nope i do. ha, insecure man-whore i am.
Taken from Pok's blog which was in turn, taken from Jiaxin's Blog
Die man, im going retro-mad now, don't know why i simply dig that warhol-esque design on the front page, din't know what inspired me also, just figured out that something like that would be nice. and wala.. haha. Its not just the retro 60s design i like, its the whole culture, its like chocolate and the 80's are more like shit. just for reference sake, i would attach 2 pictures at the end of this entry. you be the judge ok?
im going all so retro-mad i've ask mummy to dig out all her 60's stuff, too bad no digicam available at home, else would have taken them. she showed me her pictures too, way back in 1966 i think, when she was 22, goodness! mum was like one of those babes u see in austin powers ok? those thick hairband, those big and colorful earrings.. psychedelic patterned dress. heck! my mum sure had good fashion sense way back in he 60s, and the most amazing thing was she MADE all those clothes and accessories herself, like that hairband, it was essentially some stretchable cloth and she cut and dyed them. amazing what women of the yesteryears can do huh.. dig on that modern women! hahahaha!
ahhh! i so want to live in that era.. By the way, this reminds me. Better go dig out dad's photo albums, he might even be a hippy for all i know. ha! alright, here goes the pic. u be the judge ok? 60s vs 80s

80s. in case u didn't know, this was Flock of Seagulls, they ARE the 80s

60s, realise how some fashion from then is still the IN thing now.
swaying 60s alvin

The hippy alvin

yes i am very very very bored.
this just suck, realised i made the background at the wrong resolution and all the hotspots are everywhere, =\, no choice but to leave it viewable at 1280x960 at above only. any lower and probably you're gonna have to scroll. sorry about that low resolution users.. the color matching for the content is a serious pain in the ass. So, send in your suggestions for the color schemes and i'd look into it alrite?
i think this is the 1st retro themed design i have for my blog. results are better then i thought it would be. in actual fact, i have another 2 new blogskins ready and was about to upload one of them when i decided to go for a brand new design. i see the blog.. ok lah ah... later charbo see liao.. kee siao ah!
oh yeah, didn't realise xmas is coming, seriously though, not much of a holiday mood this year probably cus im working. meh whatever.
And as per request of dearest Jerelyn, the content box is blue.-=)
new blog skin
yeah, retro baby~ quite alot of things yet to sort out as u can see, getting late already. gonna do it tml at work. wee~
oh i forgot.
Marcus birthday celebration! haha! Enjoyed our DIY brew din ya dude?! hahaha its german rum.
short and sweet
this weekend
i am boring.
old toys rocks!
lookit wad i found! yipee! think my brother gave it to me when i was in my early primary school days.

This's the red indian set, haha i think i lost the teepee hut and one of the guys on the horse. gonna look for them tml or smt

And this's the US artillery set, lost those yellow bullets, the bucket and those poor lads' caps. muahaha. still fun nontheless! YIPEE! im a small kid once more

My favorite car when i was much much much younger, didn't realise it was a lamborghini countach lp500s until now when i dug it up after at least a decade. still love the adujustable spoiler and the moving doors.
argh! so many treasures! not enuff time to go through. tml i shall tear my 2nd floor storeroom apart! hiak hiak hiak! happiest day of my life!
upcoming blog skin. gonna be something close to this, adding more spice to it if i've got the time
Tagboard spammers and the Great Singpore MRT Squeeze
Came across some friends' blogs these few days, their tagboard hounded by numerous defaming tags coming from anonymous personnel, some are actually polite enough to exclude profanities , whereas some are written as if they had a pineapple up their's. Hey! deja vu isnt it everyone? smells like IRC! remember? the days when u cloned yourself, joined some channel and did something real irritating? well... its back! oh seriously! get a grip of your lives u annoying motherfuckers! i mean, hey life's probably screwed up for you and all. but you don't have to be real anal about that you know?
It's very very sad to see you guys stoop to levels that low to gain attention. If you're reading this, do me, no. do us, NO fuck! do your own fucking self a favour. Get a galfren/boyfren, have sex, read a book, watch some soap opera. Vandalising tagboards doesn't make you the popular guy in the bunch, well... unless you're hanging out with a bunch of spastic man-apes, which case you should probably get hold of some sharp rusty objects and stab your reproductive organs.
Ok fine, i can forgive you for that, no problem, im buddhist, im magnanimous. I understand. =)
BUTWhy has flaming always have to be done in shitty english? WHY?! FUCK THIS! what issss fucking WRRRRROOONG WITH YOU?! u need a bitch slap or 2 to wake up? Hey! flame all u want but, for whoever u worship's sake.. spell properly. thank you sooo much.. muacks
So hey, any of these attention mother-whoring Vaginal-face pimply-butt no lifers reading this? spread the message alright? thank you so much
Great Singapore MRT SqueezeBeen joining this ritual twice a day since i began working, and i heartily encourage singaporean citizens, young and old to participate. But bear in mind that like every other competitive game out there, there are rules you need to adhere to, and since this is a nationwide competition, you would be held against the best of Jurong, Bedok and some say Sembawang. Alas, me being a rookie in this ritual, i can only give you the following recommended equipment list.
- stilettos are weapon of choice, charles and keith 3inches are crowd favorite
- Gigantic Billabong bag, those Xiao mei mei pink pink kind recommended, can hoot unsuspecting people trying to squeeze in
- your ipod shuffle blasting Cyndi Wang's latest mandocheesepop, opponents fear the ipod earphones.
- Armpits, self explainatory
- Buttocks, so u can bitch slap the next guy who accidentally brushes it
- your free today newspaper, the camo-cream equivalent, can hide behind when u see ah pek board the train
- See-Thru magic glasses, there is no yellow line for u.
- Mat standard issue $3 skim boards plastered with quiksilver logos.
- Handrail adhesive buttocks, so u automatically rest ur fat and ugly ass on the next handrail u see.
- Chiong Prada bags, like the XMMPP billabong bags, can hoot ppl, but this 1 more deadly, can discreetly hoot your lan pa. and u probably wouldnt know what hitted you.
Curious why? heres fucking why!
i don't get those OLs (no offense hor) ok fine i love stilettos-wearing chicks, but u don't have to be proud to hold the handrail you know? Its fun to see u tumble and fall, but it certainly isnt much fun when u wobble, and instead of grabbing onto something, tamples over alvin's feet.
Whats with those prada tote bags? you're too lazy to kiap it on ur armpit huh? nabei u know the position u hold the bag damn vulnerable to guys or not, secally u suay suay swing the bag we bye bye no more far-der day ok?
the XMMPP (xiao mei mei pink pink) billabong bags, yes i know u spent like your 1 month pocket money to buy that, you know how irritating it is when u are talking to your fren, and u giggle, and that bloogy bag keeps rubbing against alvin's you-know-what?
Blasting songs, ok im guilty of that sometimes too, but its just morally incorrect that you blast cyndi wong's song. sometime i could just wish i can go over there, slap you silly, rip out your ipod shuffle and bite it into half, whenever you blast shitty music
armpits, as above, self explainatory, lets just say the experience is traumatic
buttocks, you don't want men to brush against them in a packed train, cover them up with a bag, a file, whatever.
been crashing their FO comm meetings these few weeks, bunch of enthu spiders i must say, furthermore there are quite a number of potentials this time round. =) happy for u guys man. FO's gonna be chicken feat to you guys already. if possible though, let this spirit be around even after FO, bond urselves together. club change name liao, culture also must change ok? make mit big! hiak hiak!
niways, to the current main comm, i know that there are some issues regarding some of your seniors, rest assured that i'd look into it and let u guys know asap ya?
need for speed, aeonfucks, frens
Has been playing Need for speed: Most wanted these few days, explains the lack of updates yea? haha, oh yeah its a nice game, simply dig that hardcoded HDR overbright effect. goin to tinker around with my Porsche Cayman S later on, hiak hiak.
right, went out with my classmates today, haven't seen them in a while since everyone's on attachment. As usual, most of the others are not interested in joining us, so that leaves Helmi, Jiaxin and Esther, supposed to watch the 5 o'clock aeonflux and meet them at 4pm, yours truly over here overslept and woke up only at 3.30 as usual, so they sorta changed the timing to the later 7.15 slot, but front row ticks. bah. sorry guys.
had a long overdue decent dinner at swenson's, wasnt anythign to scream about la, curry baked rice and 3/4 of a topless 5.. or 4.. or whatever.
hoo boy the movie simply SUCK! ok the twist doesnt suck like the rest of the movie, but yeah, on the whole, save the money dudes and dudettes, buy a pack of condoms or something, its much more worthwhile. heck, im resisting the urge to type out the story but that would be ruining the experience for you nutcases out there who's gonna watch them no? im such a good samaritan. ha ha!
Met up with terence, marcus and jyai shin for beer at cwp, meh... tried to open marcus's bottle and ended breaking the bottle's neck. tsk. time to buy a can opener key chain like last time. haha