Die man, im going retro-mad now, don't know why i simply dig that warhol-esque design on the front page, din't know what inspired me also, just figured out that something like that would be nice. and wala.. haha. Its not just the retro 60s design i like, its the whole culture, its like chocolate and the 80's are more like shit. just for reference sake, i would attach 2 pictures at the end of this entry. you be the judge ok?
im going all so retro-mad i've ask mummy to dig out all her 60's stuff, too bad no digicam available at home, else would have taken them. she showed me her pictures too, way back in 1966 i think, when she was 22, goodness! mum was like one of those babes u see in austin powers ok? those thick hairband, those big and colorful earrings.. psychedelic patterned dress. heck! my mum sure had good fashion sense way back in he 60s, and the most amazing thing was she MADE all those clothes and accessories herself, like that hairband, it was essentially some stretchable cloth and she cut and dyed them. amazing what women of the yesteryears can do huh.. dig on that modern women! hahahaha!
ahhh! i so want to live in that era.. By the way, this reminds me. Better go dig out dad's photo albums, he might even be a hippy for all i know. ha! alright, here goes the pic. u be the judge ok? 60s vs 80s

80s. in case u didn't know, this was Flock of Seagulls, they ARE the 80s

60s, realise how some fashion from then is still the IN thing now.