old toys rocks!
lookit wad i found! yipee! think my brother gave it to me when i was in my early primary school days.

This's the red indian set, haha i think i lost the teepee hut and one of the guys on the horse. gonna look for them tml or smt

And this's the US artillery set, lost those yellow bullets, the bucket and those poor lads' caps. muahaha. still fun nontheless! YIPEE! im a small kid once more

My favorite car when i was much much much younger, didn't realise it was a lamborghini countach lp500s until now when i dug it up after at least a decade. still love the adujustable spoiler and the moving doors.
argh! so many treasures! not enuff time to go through. tml i shall tear my 2nd floor storeroom apart! hiak hiak hiak! happiest day of my life!