was at genting for a weekend getaway with my folks, nothing spectacular but nontheless refreshing no thanks to having cooped up in busy singapore for the past few years. Met up with my uncle and brother at golden mile, suprisingly, saw ron working in the same agency my uncle booked the tour from, had a short chat with him before he strode off to work, apparently he's working 7 day weeks, alternate weekends off, and 9-10 schedules, madeness eh? and here i am slacking off in my office typing this entry. but then again, he gets paid 800 bucks a month and i get half of that, so no complains mr ron. hahaha
The coach we took was a rather huge 2 storey affair, equipped with popup dvd players. the driver was awesome too, overtaking like no one's buisness even on the genting slopes. simply godly.. ran a search on the net for the coach's performance figures. and hey! it beats a modena by 120hp and has more then twice the torque. *slurp* reached the summit in the wee hours of the morning, 5am to be exact. wasnt as cold as i remembered it was, and in my opinion, definitely wouldnt have warrant the use of my sweater. my family, on the other hand, was cuddled together and shivering. pah! equitorial folks!. had to wait till 5am before we could get the queue number. and subsequently, 9am before we can officially book into rooms at First world hotel. the lobi (yes thats in bahasa) was victorian, quite nicely done i might add, the exterior... on the other hand.. looks as if they had someone sucking random colored paints and sneezing from the top of the building. its even more colorful then the SP study benches, whatever happened to design values?! ok that aside, the room was ok, nothing fancy to write home about.
got our theme park tickets at 8am, buahaha, behold the child inside me. ran around the indoor park like a small kid which i am, playing this and that. the bumper car sucks, but playing it with my neices was much more fun. the indoor roller coaster sucked too, dun understand why the other ppl was screaming. headed for lunch and lounged around the shopping malls. levis 512.. hmm.. 219rm... ok talk abt that later. =D~
went to the outdoor park, and boy was i disappointed, that darn place hadn't changed since my last visit, which was erm... at least 5 years ago when i was in lower sec. the only new addition i see was the superman roller coaster, wasnt that bad for $5. the other roller coasters were ok-ok, but like before, its the feeling u get when u see ur neices scream and laugh. haha i might be beginning to like kids afterall. sadly din get to try the more hardcore rides. but yeah, will have chance 1 lah. headed for some sucky dinner at hainan whatever rice shop, simply a disgrace to all hainanese, DO NOT EAT THERE! period!
so.. went to the levis shop, grabbed meself a 512, heh, my 1st levis, wearing it now as im typing here. rather comfly, feels like a good condom, tight but not ball crushing, soft but secure. ok sorry, bad analogy. but u get the general idea la uh? its awesome! and it costs like 100bucks SGD woot! headed to FOS after that but it was closed, decided to return the next morning before we leave. that ought to conclude day 1.
day 2 was less spectacular since everyone especially the kids are shacked out from the day before. had a dabao-ed breakfast courtesy of my cousins, mary brown, some fast food place we nv see in sg. but yeah tasted alright if u ignore the omlette which was 30% egg shells. headed to FOS to shop, disappointing collection they had, ended up with a long sleeve white shirt for $10 sgd, and a polo tee for 20.
The return trip wasnt that fast, that bloke drove us to KL for whatever reasons i would love to know... ended up caught in a jam and he had to cut thru the city to access the highway. then according to my dad one of the tyre bursted, dunno dun care, so many tyres, burst loh, wun die 1 lah. got stuck at yong peng again while the driver repaired the tyre and subseqeuntly, at Tuas checkpoint. rawr, only reached home at 1.30am.
had a recurring dream at genting, abt her again.. tsk tsk tsk.. whatever... anyways the words from my main page and the previous post is chinese using unicode, u gotta enable it to read ok? it is certainly not some tamil language.
好想好好爱你 - 周蕙
我口袋里还有你给的温馨 我的手心还有你吻的气息
低低的云让想念的人喘不过气 而你的背影会在哪里平静
跟踪记忆我才能和你接近 除了可惜眼泪没有声音
有一些人容易动情也容易忘情 我爱过了你心永远在那里
好想好好爱你 这一句话只能藏成秘密
关上窗外的雨 反覆触碰你爱过的痕迹
好想好爱你 却没有权利再把你抱紧
从今以后如果你能快乐 就别管我想你
(想对你说 You're always be my love 我还是好想你)
Julie's Bd, Dinner with the guys.. and nice memories
Thursday. Went out with julie for her birthday celebration. got her a pair of earrings which Xuan "sponsored" thx gal! headed to this jap buffet place to have dinner, the food was awesome, and its all u can eat. simply alvin paradise... =D~ ended up helping julie finish her stuff more then getting my own food. Ate artic snow crab for the 1st time in my life, realise that u gotta cut open the rather soft shell on the long spidery legs to get to the crabstick-ish meat inside, pop it in ur mouth and it melts. simply mindblowing. now i get why it costs a bomb.
headed to julie's fren, Dickson's family runned pub at beach rd, "release's" it was called, nice name to have for a pub no? release.. release.. thank god no folks farted there. drinks was on the house, jug of tiger at first, the ladies complain too bitter (wad to expect from cocktail liquor drinkers?) so we got rid of it fast, er.. got vodka orange nxt i think, nice drink, the host mixed himself one. as usual julie cannot tahan after her 1st shot. then 1 more, er din catch its name, tasted like tonic. gobbled mine and julie's up as well, then tequila pop, 2 shots for me too no thanx to Mrs Julie Ching. was playing big 2 with the guys there all along while the gals sang. nv won once loh me. kaoz. julie's fren, my AISS snr Li Lian can really sing, in fact her voice was reminiscent of Fish leung's. See?! aiss roxor joo boxor joo dumb shiatz
Headed home with the company since all of them lived in the north, but not before sending the half intoxicated Julie Ching home. reached home at 2 and bam. knock out.
Saturday. Dined with the gang of guys + wife - Kenny at late noon, they were playing overnite monopoly again! zzz! should have went with them the night before. anyways they explained to me their rule for that night was whoever who landed in water works had to finish a cup of vodka. heck, this is lame guys, let alvin sponsor u guys some cordon blieu on his birthday ok?
Ok so we dined at cartel @ ps, what can i say, nice food, nice place, nice gals. finally remembered to try their ribs for once, not fantastic i would say, but nice enough given the 20 bucks price tag. dined there till 9 i think. headed to isetan to let terence spend his 50 bucks voucher, headed to woodlands cwp for midnite movies after that, woot, harry potter, and damn was it long even though its essentially a summarised version of the book, this guy in front of use fell asleep and was happily snoring away, probably just company his gf only lah..
Headed to somewhere i havent dare to visit in while, memories.. haha. =)
PS: thx for the mail siyu.
PSS: julie, 1 more week only. tahan!
5 weird/random stuffs about me:
Credits to siyu =P
1) im losing hair. fuck
2) im the sentimental ol school dude
3) my chinese songs library consist of 6 songs
4) alvin wasnt called alvin 3 yrs back
5) im kewt and cuddly and irresistable to women and gals alike
i wanna see..
zhenling the chiobu..
and waicheng..
to do this. woot!
julie's birthday tml, wonder where they'd be headed for drinks after dinner. friday class/work confirm drop dead 1. Mummy sew not 1, but 2! nano cases from my spectacle cloth! awesome! thx loads mum! gonna hunt for this nano skin. sweet eh?!

woot, my white 4gb nano, mum just made a case out of some spectacle cloth. so its well protected now. muahahaha. amazing little piece of shit man, i uploaded like 5 albums inside and its barely 1gb taken up, the "cool" factor is simply off the scale, with ppl going "wah~ nano" on the train whenever i whip this little bugger out. tsk tsk tsk. now i understand how the mac fanboys feel. wahahaha.
Jul's at the beach. I WAN TO GO TO DA BEEEEACH !! =D
Happy 21st bro ak!
I hereby dedicate this thread to AK, the birthday boy for today, heck though we probably gonna start calling u birthday MAN from now on, ur still the little boy AK senior in our hearts always! happy 21st bro! Nice party u had there, i wonder would i ever be able to have something like this when i turn 21.. anyways, it was superb, saw many old faces, Lynn, Huarong, Rose, Dom, Michelle my mummy and her lovely alex, Kelly, half my batch's main comm and the older birds. miss them loads although they probably never realised it.
Supposed to meet yapmeng, jo and liping at tiong bahru at 6, but got held up at the ipod nano collection booth cos apparently my new name wasnt updated in singnet's database though i told them time and time again to update them. thats singnet to u ppl. the same guys who put me on a 30 minute hold before attending to me, heck, even the staff manning the booth (thank you so very much) couldnt get thru to their singnet office, what gives man?! fine, u monopolise the internet provider market in singapore, but that doesnt mean u got to provide this kind of half-baked and simply lousy services to ur customers.
I really thank the ladies at the booth for their patience, i think they presume i was angry at them ( then again who doesnt, i've got that ever angry face don i?) and they kept on assuring me they'd look into the matter even though they had tonnes of customers themselves to attend to. Eventually i got bored of them not able to get thru to their main office and i whipped out my fone to call singnet helpdesk, hoping it'd connect before they do, connect it did, not before putting me through a 20minutes hold while playing this french song again and again (nice song btw, anyone knows the title?) so i got the fella at the helpdesk to explain the situation to the staff, and a happy man i was with my newly found love, my neh noo! buahahahaa! and... last but not lest, thank u oh so muchhhhhh waicheng! for waiting with me! i owe u one ok? monday's lunch on me. but limited to school food k? wahahaha
Headed to mt faber safra for ak's party, whoa a rather posh palce i might say, and he actually booked the whole KTV/Bar for his party. food was nothing to scream about, but the free flow of carlsberg got alvin half drunk. no thanks to 6, or was it 7 bottles. wahaha! YES! BOTTLES! and here i am being able to type this out. tsk im born alcoholic liao man.. they ktv competition was rather fun, hearing out all the couples sing, and boy, makes me wanna fall in love once again. *sob *sniff*.
Lounged around and had some catching up with frens like dearest may ann, liling, liping and the rest of the alumni. had loads of fun crapping with them and gobbling down carlsberg like water (according to joseph). Had a chat with Dom and Sam who are both in CDO, Sam told me physiques arent so important, cus eventually they'd train u up. but still mixed feelings la.. maybe should become like ah pat like that, go BMTC and become MP. argh, 6 more months to sort this out. loads of time left..
Playing around with my nano now.. hiak hiak hiak hiak! Turn green with envy guys.. =D
medical checkup..
Got into PES A, wahahahaha wtf indeed, i thought i'd probably end up in non combat vocations. heck la. throw whatever u want at me, i'd chew on it and spit it on ur face, bring it on. =D
Realised that 167 goes to bukit merah, so decided to take a bus home straight from cmpb. been a rather long time since i taken that bus. and it went to places in singapore i've never seen before. like tanjong pagar.. etc. dun remember the names of the places, felt as if i was at some foreign country, and i kinda liked that feeling, perhaps i should get my license soon and drive myself around sometimes.
the remaining route was like a trip down memory lane for me. Glass house.. istana park.. the bus stop behind orchard bvld. the coffee shop near thompson. aye.. i feel old already. haha. yeah maybe i am really a 25yr old stuck in a 19 yr old's body which happened to look like 25yr old. so.. what the heck.
Internship @ CLS isnt half bad, i must really say that the ladies there are much.. erm.. appealing to the eyes. heck, and ppl claim that SB's populated with chicks. the office is rather private. 4 of us in a room with 10 computers, all with admin rights and not using the school's ethernet network. So that means we get to use msn, install games, watch animes.. watch movies. but hey, that doesnt mean we don't get things done k? on leave today cus of the medical checkup, heard from waicheng that yuling and sam are neck deep in work, haiz feel so guilty.. probably gonna help them out as much as i can tml even though its a half day for me still.
doing nothing, slacking in the office. heng got private computer, can install stuff.
wtfbbq! wee!
Went BBQing with the IE guys at pasir ris yesterday. pit 2, heng yap meng know how to go or else sure get lost like chalk they all. go costa sands. FRESHIE la u all! I met my 1st ah beng/lian groupie on the bus after so many years, seems like the attitude remains the same, minus the dragon-patterned tight t shirts and centre parting. they look stylish now (heah rite). and why do ah lians always haf to look hawt? sheez.
Reached that place, realised ICT was the earliest. yes u read it here 1st on alvin's blog!, ICT was EARLY. no bull. saw only casper and lady boss rambutan there starting fire, so go help them loh. ok la u all know alvin is the firestarter/cook for BBQs. so was bbqing for them until the OC ppl arrived, play the stupid spider web. so damn scary. then this rotating green bowl thingy. cheap thrills sia.. haha..
ah.. i guess this is probably the last time im gonna have fun like this officially as a SP student, graduating in 5 months. looking back, i really wished i've taken up engineering or to be more specific, aerodynamics studies. but well, sg's a NCNT (no cert no talk) society, so what the heck, gimme my darn paper and get the fark out. wee.
Internship starts tml, and here i am, reinstalling all my applications, listenning to carpenter's album, thinking about retarded stuff cus of the songs and getting held on the fone by singnet helpdesk, which brings me to my topic on "Why NEVER outsource ur darn helpdesk to elsewhere"
1) Their LAhs and LOrs are all wrong! its a disgrace to our mother tongue
2) They pronounce LAN as laa-un, yes as in the male reproductive organ in hokkien.
3) alvin doesnt catch any balls when they try to pronounce "what do u see?" with breakneck speed (picture bollywood singer saying that while parading around the tree)
4) alvin troubleshooted everything himself without their assitance, all they did was "sir gimme a min i check for u"
so there.
oh yeah im getting ipod neh nooh! WORSHIP ME FS! har har! i might let u prod it if u kowtow enough. *evil laughter*
Time doesnt truly heal all wounds does it?
Had a nice chat with mumsie julie yesterday, bullied her as usual while browsing through this long lost section of my computer looking for space hogging files to delete, stumbled across this music folder, opened it up not expecting anything inside and well, it felt like a torrent of old and dear memories being let loose. Nothing much inside actually besides a few and only tracks of chinese songs i have, it've been placed there by someone who was dear to me. and i played, and i played all the songs again.. and i realised..
time doesnt truly heal all wounds does it?
i asked julie, she told me its still up to us ourselves whether we want to let loose of the past, or get bogged down by it. yeah, i know julie, thats what i've been telling myself for the past half a year, and apparently, this weak self of mine still refuses to budge, refuses to see. have i moved on actually? i insist i did, i believe i did. but then again, am i just putting on a front, pretending im strong, pretending i've jolly well moved on? i choose to believe its the latter now.
Then julie asked, have i ever tried to talk things out with her. no, i didn't. i don't dare to, i don't know how to react if we did, thus, im actually rather grateful that we haven't seen each other even accidentally for this half a year. who would i react actually? i wouldn't know and i wouldn't dare try.
sides, happy halloween,deepavali and hari raya to all the readers.