To lead, to excel, to overcome...
...and its not as easy as it sounds.
As you observant bunch could tell, this blog is really getting cobwebs. plainly cause i really cannot afford the luxury of time these days. *sigh*. i really missed those days i could wake up after a whole night of partying, reach out to my computer and laze the whole day in front of it. i missed those days where i go to school, and laze around with my clubmates...
man and do i miss freedom, cus thats something we can never have in this 2 years. never.
well, enough of ranting, lets get down to buisness shall we? Bet you guys wants to know how's it like in OCS
Im in hotel wing, thats 'H' wing for those less prolificient in army terms. Supposedly one of the tougher wings. we were supposed to have a 3 week confinement period much like the rest of the cohort but it seemed that xmas and new year saved us.
it doesnt make things easier though, everything is so packed, we were given a record 9 minutes to shit/bath/call home at the end of the day. Every other free time we have, we were essentially doing field pack standardisation and whatsnot.
But what they take away from you, they give you welfare to make up. i must say we cadets have the best living conditions in the whole of SAF, 2-men rooms complete with furnitures and a computer, though its not like we have anytime to use it. The food is awesome too, much much better then those grub they serve in tekong.
Im just back from a 2day field camp and im down with fever already, the rain throughout the duration didnt help much i guess.. ha...
oh, and thank you guys who smsed me birthday wishes, i apologise for the lack of corespondence, my phone was down for the week.
thus said, a belated merry xmas to all, and may a new beautiful chapter grace your life in the coming new year.