NYDC and a whole load of familiar faces
hi guys, hasnt been updating, i noe. haha well cant blame me, shud take a look at the work the fyp group have on hand right now.
first off, yea project. well everything's in place (almost) and we're gonna start animating. which means the tough part is yet to come. =| , and apparently its not helping when u got a leecher off your group who takes 1 whole bloody week to come up with something i could churn out in 1 day. alrite i sound as if im discriminating. but seriously. i dun think his 3d techniques are weaker den mine lo. haiz. it really doesnt feel good to flame him every single time we see him. at least IMO =|
well shitty stuff apart. managed to finish 4/5 of my mmmi assignment. thanks haffiz and shikin!! owe u 2 big time. =D
and finally. finally had a real chill out-ed day today. went bikini hunting with baiyu, fine it wasnt much of a hunt cus l'll missy here went like 3 shops only. pah.. oh yea saw a darn cool leopard patterned bikini. i'd mary the nxt women i see who dares to wear that. wahahaha! alrite today was embarassment-day for me.
she was tryin the bikini, she said smt to the sales person. i think the salesperson assumed i was her bf or smt. asked me to go to the changing "room", ok i assumed she was done or smt or she wanted my opinion. so silly me went and took a peek in. got seriously owned. she was taking off her bikini and changing back. so.... er yea.. wun go into detail. u do the imagining, lets just say alvin walked away a very happy man today. =D~ /pervert
oh yea before that saw a nice watch.. 39.90. fook. anyone care to gimme early birthday present? pretty pleese?
well speak of coincidence huh? decided to catch dinner @ nydc heeren, saw jasmine and her silly bum there. and apparently our coursemate was working there too. wad are the odds?! well dinner's food was awesome as usual from nydc. but it was like an oven there, outdoors. no wind at all. beside the road and all. felt vulnerable.. haha! had a nice long stroll to PS to shop around carrefour for the bbq prices. haha had lotsa fun there. thanks gal!
well the trip home was alrite. cept met the CADC peeps and her classmate. sent her home and all. glad she stayed near my place. haha. well ok here comes the fun part. felt the urge to pee, so i walked to yishun 10. den her sms came. was reading it, din noticed the old male toilet has been converted to a female toilet! walked str8 in... and, best, almost gonna pee. den "eh? how come toilet got 1 dustbin 1.. i remember it seeing sumwhere.... SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ran out and passed 2 bewildered ladies. walao eh...... 18+ yrs of my life! NEVER EVER HAD I STEPPED INTO A FEMALE TOILET ACCIDENTALLY!!! kudos to u baiyu! wahahaha!
edit: ok shit forgot the NPNT rules. so here u go!

left to right: the yandao, the self-proclaimed chiobu, the piece of oily-glass-uncles-like-to-lean-on

note: print this pic out, print it on a shirt or smt. =)

miserable attempt at ruining her pic. =|
ok thats it guys, too bad n-gage doesnt haf camera. so meh, no changing room pic for u!