sell the house, lets all fuck up our lifes
dedicated to myself, note to self in years to come; i will never be like my father, never
note to my dearest eldest brother, i don't care about the fact that you earn 12k a month, i don't care how your wife insulted my mother when it was the man you call Daddy who took a loan from you.
i don't care if you think $200 a month could keep a family of 3 alive, i don't care if you treat me like shit since the day i was born.
but remember daddy, for he was the one that put you through your honours when you flunked out of vocational institute.
maybe you wouldnt even remember, but at least make your wife remember the fact that daddy spent almost a quarter of a million on you. i rest my case
i hate you, you fucked up.
mini nose me!
hello fellow readers, dear friends and loving family members, this post signifies a milestone of my meager 20 years of life, for i have turned a new man today. i'd cut to the chase and just show you the pictures. i must warn you the following pictures would be nasty, blood, broken bone tissues everywhere. it's really ugly. Like what they always say on TV, viewer discretion is advised.

i must maintain that this entire picture has not been photochopped in 3 minutes in anyways by the author himself out of boredom.
ok fine, so i figured just pushing up the nose isnt going to make me brad pitt, so i decided to do a little more nip tuck, reshaping the face a little, enlarging the cheekbones, bla bla bla and what i have.. would make brad himself shit his pants.

foo yo.
sigh, poor mr sunny
my sunny got buanged from behind while dad was driving, whole boot crumpled in. pics coming up, dad's ok though. phew.
darn u spastic jb driver! *shakes fist*
working life, sort of
Yes, you've heard it, alvin is currently employed and slogging his ass for cash, working at this database management company which shimin introduced, quit a good working environment i must say, the company is small and most of the employee are around my age, so finding topics to chat about isnt hard at all, furthermore the bosses are really cool also, doesnt seem to have that boss-subordinate affair, but then again we get work done rather quick lah.
travelling is a breeze too, either 167 or 855 from my place, it's a stone's throw from queensway shopping centre so therefore, still relatively near to town. not bad for 7 bucks per hour eh? whats more, i can choose when i want to work.
so... the way i calculate, at this rate im working, 8 hour per day for 5 days a week, i hope to get back around a thousand, if not more, heh, can already smell my new LCD monitor, my new sneakers, my new running shoes, my new bag, my new clothes. muahaha!
old man cannot do push ups, drunk indians spotted on roof of SADM building
Had a fantastic evening with Rachel, thank you soooo much girl, your bimbotic movie wasn't as bad as i expected it'd be and you made a great date! Sometimes it's so interesting to meet someone you haven't seen in ages, he/she could tell you how much you've changed.
she said :
i am gonna be cuter if i was a bit tanner, *blush* tan it is then! har har! i shall tan on lawn every afternoon! blame that slacker life im leading now! my waking hours are really strict ok? it says " anytime after 1pm"
note to self, wake your perky lazy bum everyday before 10am, but thats the long term goal, lets start with 12pm 1st ok? this means no more late night gaming.
I was much more civilised then before, well not that i was THAT bad when i was in secondary school what. women just love to scrutinise don't they. chey.
but ya i must agree though im vulgar still, i use them in a more appropriate manner and carry them off in such a way i actually sound exotic.
so note to self, less vulgarities, more civilised.
sent her back to her hostel and on the while waiting for the bus, spotted a few bangl... i mean indian nationals high on beer, on the roof of the SADM building! too bad no picture, see? how could you let such a rare photo opportunity go by? buy alvin a digicam now!
had a great day girl! im pretty sure it won't be 3 years until we see each other again. bleeh
oh and i got a job! thank you so much shimin. shall blog about it tommorrow i guess.
30 push ups, 15 barbell lifts as of today.
Wierd dreams.
Remember how i told some of you i've been having really wierd dreams after i shifted my computer into my room? the LEDs i have on my casing illuminates the room in an eery green light everytime i fail to turn off the computer before i slept. The wierdest dream was about shawn getting eaten up by crocodiles and i must say i've been dreaming alot of this sort lately.
Just last night, i dreamt of a myraid of things, ranging from an oblivion/diablo-isque dream, to getting married with a particular girl i shall not name and i woke up with bloody hangovers, when all i drank last night was vitamin C. i think i was drunk in that dream somewhere.
the importance of being idle. and probably single too
You get to help your mother with household chores, just this week yours truly has picked up ironing, hand washing techniques, and cooking chicken rice. So you losers out there with a job, smell my chicken rice and dynamo! ok la not really, i have $30 in my bank account so i can't go out. shucks.
Joy o joy, congratulations to the lovebirds! may love be sweet, sour, and probably abit of tom yam chilly hot hot for you girls/guys.
ok i need to get a gf. like now! NOW!! rah! raging hormones!
Esthero - Superheroes
Stay awhile longer sweet tongue of fur and featherThere is a white breastWaiting for you here...Between the superheroes - and the electric blanket is warmI could be sweetI could be young, and freshIf I werent so old and usedAnd wet and wet, I am wetI try not to ruin the momentTell me all your secrets and your tormentsYoure delicious, youre delicious...Send me on a quest for lullabies - and moreWhat would it take for you to seeWhat I have got? Ive got more than you knowOpen your eyes, I cannot be - what I am notIm not what I used to be, Im not whatIm not what I used to be, and iI dont know myself - from anybody elseIm not what I used to be, Im not whatIm not what I used to be, and iYou dont know what you have doneMy frame is here but the mind is gone - gone awaySo stay awhile longer sweet tongue of fur and featherDont cut the white breastIve been waiting for you hereIm not who I used to beBigger and better and faster and wetterAnd bigger and better and faster and betterBoy do i love genre defying music.
I got a haircut! i look young! thank you alan! and for the very first time i look in the mirror and figure i'd look good with a stud on my ear, but urk, i hate the sensation, besides, my parents would probably chop me up if i go home with blings on my ears.
met up with an old friend, and boy am i disappointed. we were chatting about how we are now, army stuff and all, then he started to get really curious about my employment status, uh-oh, i smell MLM. True enough, an sms came, and it reads:
"you need the money, and i can see that you are having a hard time finding a job, if you trust me, this job might solve all your current employment woes"
chowyunfatt! in no ways am i DESPERATE for jobs ok? at least not during our 5 minute conversation hello? and please, your sms spells "HEY I AM A LOUSY MLMER TRYING TO lEECH YOU OFF YOUR MOOLAHS"
no offence to my MLM friends, but i think i should write it down in black and white my 2 cents worth about MLM.
1) MLM is
NOT ever going to replace retail as the primary product channel, Retail is here to stay.
2) MLM
IS a good business model, but it's saturated with idiots.
3) MLM sits on the line between lying and persuading, non of them i agree upon
there you go, and now that bugger just called me 2 times.
/me on call blocker.
butt hurts, back hurts, shoulder hurts, people hurted
Ah well, back from my 3rd FO reunion, not bad i say, good job guys! sorry about getting lost ah dear passengers, brought them all the way to pasir ris, almost to hougang before i found the way to ecp, man.. i really need a GPS, a junhao or cindy on board. my sense of direction is total cmi.
reached there around 4pm, had to drive to car back to my cousin's place before joining the others for games and whatsnot. turnout was satisfactory, and yep, got to know a few more freshmens la. all in all a well planned event despite some aeroplanes being flown namley kenneth, and boy, if you happen to read my blog, please read: "U FAT PIECE OF LARD! THE NEXT TIME I FUCKING SEE U DISAPPEAR ON US AGAIN IM GONNA FUCKING SHOVE THE GUITAR INTO ANY AVAILABLE ORIFICE ON YOU!"
i dun like him.
rented blades with jason and er.. shit. what was his name, that malay looking chap who talks in hokkien. man!! jason blading rocks lah, or heck, maybe its just because he's young and im old. meeeeh... those sissy ppl who cycled decided to cycle to geylang or something, cheap thrills, low entertainment, didn't join them. just bladed here and there, my old muscles decided to go on strike, screaming:"Nooooo, not the latic acids!!" cramped up like mad. BAAHH i need to tone up!!
the wee hours were boring, cept for a few unexpected twist, firstly, i believe i owe a particular girl an apology for my actions, i guess im too psyched up over all these, you're probably way ahead of me and i shouldnt be the one making decisions for you. sorry.
Jeremy, Adrian, whatever that doesnt kill us, makes us stronger, look on the bright side, it was a night a blunders and plunders, but at least you learnt a great deal about yourself, your peers, and who are the ones that would stay around when you're in deep shit.
my back's killing me, i can't raise my shoulders and i feel like i just got spanked by some kinky girl.