大家好,我很yandao,大家都叫我hamsum, 我好久好久没讲华语了,所以今天献丑了。请大家包含。
note that i took like 15minutes to type the phrase above. god damn does my chinese suck after polytechnic. 他妈的。but swearing in chinese is so much more pristine.
ok here im going to type gan nin na bei chao nei nei
see see!its already that refined and civilised already!so folks! 多多用华语骂人。谢谢很多。
Old man
tsk, im feeling old already, however amazing, seeing those juniors being self sufficient, and seeing them bring in newblood, this just makes me feel old.
bah! or maybe i feel old cus im still fuckin losing hair.
look, arent we a little bit too old for this?
Whats with that "pangseh" mentality we have nowadays, simple words of apology don't seem to drill into those individuals who like to label people with that. They just like to lament on and on until the cows come home about how u "pangseh-ed" them during some KTV or BBQ eons ago. I understand the frustration when someone just plainly put you up on a date, which in that case, they should be ashamed of themselves and you've got all the right to blabber about this to your grandkids next time.
And this, brings us to the innocent party in this scenario.
Let me cite and example, boy A asked boy B whether he would like to catch the movies this weekend, boy A mentions that he cannot commit due to other more important participations, he doesn't give B an agreement, but instead, cites his reasons and decides not to give B a committed answer.
Come the day before the movies, boy A realises he is occupied the entire of the next day, so he is polite enough to call up B, apologise and excuse himself from the meetup the next day. B is infuriated and demands why A can't come, A is patient enough to explain to B again, B then proceeds to use lines similar to this: "aiya! not important 1 lah don't go".
Lad, who are you to judge what is important and what is not for others? and worst of all, A gets labelled as the "pangseh" of the clique. All future conversation amongst the clique would always hover around the..."that day hor, nabei you damn bastard loh. pangseh us for movie, then end up me and ah huay watch onli"...topic.
look, aren't we a little bit too old for this? it isnt hard to understand, and its even simpler to manage your crowd better, if your event has low turnouts, chances are the problem lies with you, it is never your friends. fix yourself before you try to fix others by prioritising for them, for all i care, someone would consider helping to wash the toilet bowl more important then your movies, show respect, and earn them. =)
another long and naggy post from alvin the old man. =P
*hic* wala wala *hic* and waicheng's 20th
met up with her and AK at NYDC holland V, had a nice dinner and headed over to wala wala for drinks.
this was what we had;

starting from left to right
Jim beam bourbon double shot neat for me. foo love that sensation when u down it.
Waicheng the birthday girl's 1st ever vodka (i think) vodka lime.
AK's whore-garden german beer, which was served in a flowerpot sized cup, yes is that big, 50+cl.
the best thing was, we didn't realise wala wala had this buy 1 get 1 free promo, so since my jim beam was a double, i didn't get a 2nd. the others got them. and AK couldnt down another flowerpot full of beer, so it was me. wahaha!
Sent the birthday girl home, talked quite a fair bit, and realised the last time i sent her home was about a year ago already, time sure flies huh... =)
Happy birthday waicheng! whatever ur wish was, i wish it'd come true. =)
Top 10 stupid terms we used when we were insolent teens
10) lol (my very 1st web lingo ok?)
9) Lame
8) Chiobu
7) Yandao
6) Chap tolo
5) One on one
4) Frenz
3) Hihi
2) 13/m
and the one that takes the cake
goodness, im feeling goosebumps all over already, please ppl, if you are still referring to your spouse as STEAD, its time to lose that centre parting and converse sandals. =)
19 year old P plater gets lost, mounts curb and scratches his rims.
i swear to myself i would NEVER EVER do another illegal U turn, =( im so sorry Mr Sunny.
Was heading to SPGG to pick up missus from her prom, some lorry was blocking the entrance, so i decided to go until the singtel block there and turn back. happens so that there was a notch for cars to turn into, so lazy me just bloody U turned the place, *poom~ braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak*
alloy meets concrete, concrete wins. =(
Went driving around aimlessly the 1st time after i got my license, drove to orchard via holland V, then dhoby ghaut, and proceeding to get really lost at beach road and bugis. wahaha it was fun, but i think i was paying too much attention to the traffic lah, she was deperately trying to entertain me to no avail. sorry pretty!
drove to my place to da bao supper, went to sembawang beach to enjoy the breeze... man... its so nice to own a car, and yet jessica had to rub salt onto open wounds, telling me she drove a S13 at oz, and she's planning to get her own car at 5 thousand bucks.
man, can i have something like singapore's homely feeling, singapore's safety, oz car prices and oz babes, all added together?
ooo end of poly life loh~
or so i hope, please god, let me pass my ACAN. 3 years eh? kinda fast isnt it? thought my seniors were kidding me when they told me time flies in poly, heck, now im the old geezer telling my own juniors the exact same thing
in poly, we live from deadlines to deadlines, and holidays to holidays. and thank goodness for the club and my fun mates, else it would be another 3 years in hell not unlike my secondary school life. funny shit..
future, what about? thats what most of us probably are thinking at this very moment isnt it? most of the media-savvy girls probably have a much easier life deciding what to do after this, Guys, even easier, become minimal wage slaves for the men in whites. what ab0ut after all these? media? i guess only 40% of us are really going to consider finding a career in multimedia, the rest? not too sure, but i guess probably automotive enginneering for me. flows in the blood no?
but then again, its only in melbourne u, that means a full 2 years away from home at oz, and another anywhere else in the world for internship. *sigh*, fine, its 3 years, its definitely worthy, but then again what prospects are there locally, i mean there isnt professional racing teams around, let alone a racing arm for a car manufacturer. so that means little alvin's gotta LIVE somewhere else for the rest of his life.
and don't start that "hey u can be a mechanic", if i wanted to be a mechanic, i would have taken the course locally.
ah well.. *ponders*