Queen Astrid road, 17k and stedt's birthday
Went swenson's with the guys today, erm.. no, yesterday. heck, whatever, i cant remember. yeah, ate alot as usual, curry chicken baked rice and the $10.90 burger which tasted awesome. Headed down to terence's place to play monopoly (wtf huh?) damn sad loh, from property king to the 1st guy to go bankrupt just cus no1 went by my queen astrid road! RAHHH! u guys cheat! damn u! die! i ain nv gonna play monopoly with u shitheads again! =D
played monopoly into the wee hours, then tried out terence's 2 osim massage chair, pain like siao, now my lower back hurts, damn those chairs. headed to mac for breakfast and went home zzz.
haha 36points
walao fail my TP today, but somehow not that sad or affected, i think i did my best, no, im pretty darn sure i did my best on the road today so hell yeah! =D my 36points are very... how to say, orbiguud 1, this mat cyclist tompang his anak mat and cycling in the middle of the left lane, so impatient me just cut into the middle lane to pass them, without checking. that was the killer loh.. 16 points gone. failure to conform safety and failure to give way to cyclist/peds. wahaha dammit dun haf that 1 20point just nice can pass. tsk, nvm.
during the debriefm the tester looked abit pek cek, he kept lamenting "WHY~~~ why~ u nv take more lesson? why~~ why? u nv check for cars jus now.. aiyo..." then he dropped the bomb, i din get any points b4 that point. (!) after that i got discouraged probably.. and started making small mistakes here and there.. ah well, but his words were very encouraging, "i tell u ur gonna be a very good driver (!) nxt time, its best u learn from ur mistake then to pay for ur mistake when u drive on ur own, don't get discourage, take more lessons and practise more, 2nd time sure can 1" wah, that coming from a tester, so damn touched man (bin dun touch me pls). Then after that met up with Mr Lau, my instructor, he saw my sheet and went "WAH! so little points?!" i mean wtf?! u thought i would get like 50 points? hahaha!
So alvin's little debrief for his lesson:
1) eradicate mat cyclist and their stolen aunty bikes when i take over the world or smt
2) Take more lessons! chiong at least 40 lessons, kaoz why i so niao? spend only like 800 only
3) eradicate mat cyclist and their stolen aunty bikes when i take over the world or smt
So till january guys! hiak hiak hiak!
cya guys~
Going camp. again~ haha. cya all on the 27th
Sio bah baked rice
hungry, only had rice, moz cheese and sio bah (roasted pork). so.. tadah! hahaha!
Bak Sai Congregation
Nb, my right eye swollen now cus too man bak sai. cant dig them out. siao liao. how ah? will go blind or not? =( i dun wan go blind! i wan see chiobu!
meeeh. sucks to be sick, got this mad flu where all the mucus all greenish yellow 1, sore throat and fever. haiz. sucks to be sick!! it sucks more when the damn LOD cant work! rawr! yesterday drove in the rain for the 1st time, ok lah not much diff. MUST PASS 1st time!! WAHAHAHA!
ie ie ie
Just came back from IE camp in school, ok, not just, 3 days back. I've been recuperating my aching bones and worn out body for the past few days by sleeping more than 12hrs everyday, got life hor?
Alright, ie camp, its the longest camp i ever been to, 2 days of prep camp, 3 days of camp all back to back, but not as tiring as the previous FO, probably i dun need to oversee everything lah. The camp was fun, woke me up from the dormant cons club mood. got to know quite a few pals from other clubs, man... i feel like going back to year one again. so much stuff i realised i missed.
Shalln't elaborate on the camp schedule lah, tell u all liao oso no use. typical stuff loh. telematches. vs games. nightwalks. bla bla bla, oh yea speaking of nightwalk, 1st time i ever dressed up as a ghost, got my whole face painted black (read: PAINTED by paint! not face paint ok?!) scared quite a few ppl, wahahaha damn fulfilling that feeling. the walkers got a few damn queer 1, got this fella who keeps talking loudly to himself, this fella who takes off his shoes and throw at every blind corner and lastly this guy who took the flag and whacked me. wahahaha.
To you young bloods, boon, siyu, kev, sher and my dear sister shawn. i hope IE was an eye-opener for u guys, use it as a template, or rather a basis when u plan events next time. i'd say IE was a pretty well-run event. lastly, u freshies better start building rapports for urselves ok? i dun see u all talk to the other club ppl enuff! cannot!
Gd'bye pals!
Going for camp marathon. see ya guys in 6 days~! tata!
wow..7am and im up. *applause*
This week's going to be busy. IE camp prep, LTC camp prep. Driving lessons. oh boy this is really going to test my prioritising skills. Come to think of it, all of these would most probably be the last camps i'd be in for my poly life.
Poly time really flies, it just seems like yesterday when alvin came to school wearing his hair in that old school centre parting, going to the clubroom everyday, slacking with the mates everyday after school. Everyone's got their most enjoyable time in secondary school probably. But for me i'd take poly life over anything. im sure im gonna miss it loads.
Am i that sensitive? been dwelling on that subject these few days, seems like i get so emotional over tiny affairs. I can't go on like this. no i cant, so frens. gimme 2 slaps and a kick on the crotch if u ever see me going all oversensitive alrite?
The corpse bride
Quite a bittersweet story. but a tad bit short at 45mins, but its so much better then Tim burton's previos stop-animation works. Probably due to FYP, learnt how to see all the small little stuff that makes a good animation. Went supper with mama julie at 888, realise she's a self-proclaimed vegeterian. throw all the meat to me. kaoz.
xuan, no need to be so stressed up alrite? just small small matters only. and i would say, its not even inherent throughout the whole groupies, only for some.. or rather. 2.. so, hey its alright k? u've still got uncle agony alvin to talk to. so smile! else i'd photoshop ur face again!
when the sun is shining on ur butt, literally.
Friends, today is the day of self-revelation for alvin, today, he made an extraordinary achievement. today, he woke up at 4 only after the sun shone on his butt, literally..kaoz.. so damn pek cek. wanna slp but my butt hot hot 1. then i woke up. PWAH 4pm liao. tsk. Xuan if you're reading this, i think u can go home plant potatoe liao, don't even think of ousting me as the new chairman of pig and co. heading for movies with mama julie l8er on. still pondering whether should we meet up with samantha and co for supper. probably not though. i need my beauty sleep and she needs to work.
Driving test's in 2 weeks time. aw man. cant wait to drive my pals around. gimme that license now willya? hiak hiak hiak. driving can be tiring actually. but according to dad, once u get the license, u wouldnt need to drive the "orthodox" way, who gives 2 hoots abt blind spots and keeping to the left unless overtaking. speaking of driving. mum's rather keen on getting me a cheapo 2nd hand car, probably not something more then 15k (hey i wanna get married young 1 k?), heck im more than happy with something with 4 wheels. contemplating on a suzuki GTi... hmm..
Well, frankly speaking, i think im more for the mature crowd of friends. realised that i can chat so openly, heart-to-heart with the oh-so-many uncles and aunties i gotta know recently. heck. i even feel old sometimes. i'd quote cindy on this. she once mentioned that i dun think like our age. yeah. i finally see it now. im probably a boring middle-age sub-uncle stuck in a barely 19 yr old body. heck im happy with what i am. im happy with looking at stuff with a broader perspective, i don't like to chill out and stuff like what our age group tends to embrace cus i don't see the need to and the fun in that.
a big thank you for the revelations guys.. =)
im a boring person
i dun hang out, i dun like to go out. im boring, i write one-liner posts in my blog cos thats all there is in my life. thank you very much
hoo boy....
Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage |
 You've dated enough to know what you want. And that's marriage - with the right person. You're serious about settling down some time soon. Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to! |
ok thats it, some1!! marry me!
Drive, Driving,Driven,Droved
3 more weeks to TP, hiak hiak hiak! /me prays to all the gods.MUST MAKE IT!! muahahaha!
contact lenses! muahahaha
got em yesterday, finally. ah well now i dunno whether the darn thing is flipped over or wad? how to tell ah?